Home - Gilmour Physio
Herne Bay physio offering treatment for painful musculoskeletal problems, focussing on back and neck conditions. ACC approved provider
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We’re a centrally located team of physiotherapists in Herne Bay, with an aim to help you recover from painful musculoskeletal problems, focussing on back and neck conditions. While spinal problems are our speciality, we also help people with knee, hip, shoulder and elbow pain. Whether your problem is recent or you’ve been living with it for years, we can help you return to the activities and sports that you love. We’re an ACC approved provider (no referral necessary), as well as offering both private appointments and insurance consults.
Acute injury assessment, diagnosis including accurate neurological testing
Accurate diagnosis of Nerve Root Compression symptoms such as sore hip or leg (prolapsed disc)
Periphery and spinal joint mobilisation
Mobilisation of chronic adhered scars
Massage and soft tissue release
Surgical, Injury and Sports Rehabilitation
Imaging and Surgical referrals when necessary
Close management of ongoing issues
Treatment of ongoing aches, pains and niggles.
Our practice is based on internationally recognised research undertaken by the Gilmour research team. Through leading edge research, the Gilmour System has been developed to offer a comprehensive, non-surgical approach to the management of serious back and neck pain.
If you are a new patient, please select ACC Initial Consultation when booking online, or select the treatment option which best suits your scenario.